American Novel Reading Group
Wednesday, July 13 | 1 – 3 PM
NOTE: Different date than usual.
Leader: John McCausland
The American Novel Reading Group is rounding out its fourth year. The group selects novels from various lists of “100 best,” and has read works ranging from the early 19th century up though our present one. Hard books, easy books, fun books, controversial books — the common denominator is only that they be good books. Discussion is always lively, gently facilitated by the group leader. Our July selection is Richard Ford’s, “The Sportswriter.” Ford has won a number of prizes, including the Pulitzer and Library of Congress. “The Sportswriter” is the initial volume in a trilogy centering around Frank Bascombe, a failed novelist turned sportswriter who undergoes an existential crisis following the death of his son. Ford’s style has been compared with Hemingway, Cheever and Updike. Please come to the class having read the novel.
John McCausland is an Episcopal priest, now retired, who has taught LINEC courses on the Bible, Chaucer and the American novel. He loves history, literature, theology, teaching and learning.
4-American Novel Reading Group
July 13, 2022
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm