2021-2022 Annual Membership
Membership in LINEC is required to take courses. The yearly membership fee is $40.00 per person which starts on September 1 and ends August 31. This fee allows members to register for courses in the three LINEC terms during the fall, spring and summer sessions.
Membership Benefits
- The pleasure of learning with peers, from peers
- Reasonably priced classes
- Many opportunities to volunteer
- Course catalogs
- Invitation to LINEC’s Annual Meeting
- Invitation to special NEC events*
- Free loan of LINEC course videos stored in
Danforth Library at New England College (NEC)* - Use of Danforth Library*
- Reduced fee for per-credit NEC courses*
- Opportunity to audit one NEC course per semester
on a space available basis at no cost*
* Not available at this time due to NEC COVID-19 protocols
LINEC members visiting campus will be required to provide documentation
of COVID 19 vaccination in advance of being on campus. All documentation
should be forwarded to HRCOVIDTEST@nec.edu.
2021-2022 Annual Membership
September 1, 2021 - May 31, 2022
8:00 am - 5:00 pm