23F-B The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World

Leader: Curtiss Rude Mondays, 4 - 6 PM | Oct 2-Nov 6  | New England College Lyons Building Room 103    The class is based on a 2008 book, The Ascent of Money, by Niall Ferguson, adapted for an Emmy winning...

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23F-A Modern American Poetry

Leader: Don Melander Mondays, 10 AM - Noon | October 2 - November 6 on ZOOM We are currently reading and discussing poems by Muriel Rukeyser, Delmore Schwartz, Karl Shapiro, and May Swenson in Library of America’s  American Poetry: The Twentieth...

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2023-24 Membership & Lifetime & Registration-Pick 1st

Pick Membership First Membership in LINEC is required to take courses. The yearly membership fee is $40.00 per person which starts on September 1 and ends August 31.  This fee allows members to register for courses in the three LINEC...

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23SU-H-Film Seminar: All That Jazz

In-Person: NEC Science Building Rm 113E (right across from the new Lyon's Building) Fridays, 10 AM – 1 PM | July 7 – Aug 4 Leader: Don Melander We will view the life and music of: July 7 | Paris Blues (1961; Martin...

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23SU-G-John Gfroerer Presents Two Documentaries

In-Person: NEC Lyons Building Rm 107 Thursday, 10 – Noon | July 6 & 20 Documentary Film Maker: John Gfroerer Facilitator: Dick Hesse Each session will be a presentation and discussion of a documentary film: Powerful As Truth: William Loeb & 25 Years...

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23SU-F-Supreme Court Review

In-Person: NEC Lyons Building Rm 103 Wednesday, 1:30   – 3:30 PM | July 12 Instructor: John Graebe | Facilitator: Dick Hesse This review of the Supreme Court’s 2022-23 term will include a discussion of the most significant cases. John Graebe is a Professor...

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23SU-E-Readings from Britain’s Booker Prize Novel Lists

Tucker Free Library, Henniker Wednesdays, 1:30 – 3:30 | July 5 & Aug 2 Leader and Facilitator: John McCausland For the last five years LINECs offerings have included a popular American novel reading group. With this summer, we shift the focus of...

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23SU-D-Women Artists – Modern to Contemporary

Wednesdays, 10 – Noon | July 5 – 26 Instructor: Gail Smuda | Facilitator: Mindy Fitterman Learn about fiber, performance art, and site specific work as well as more traditional painting and sculpture in this four-part class—covering most of the 1970s...

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23SU-C-The Stage Shapes the Play and the Play Shapes the Stage: How Shakespeare’s Plays Reveal Themselves Through Production—Henry V

In-Person: NEC Lyons Building Rm 103 Tuesdays, 1:30   – 3:30 PM | July 11 – Aug 1 Instructor: Glenn Stuart | Facilitator: Don Melander We will share and discuss two auteur film versions of Henry V: Laurence Olivier’s in 1944 and Kenneth...

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2023 Summer Term Registration-PICK THIS FIRST

Pick this pass first and then pick as many courses that you would like. Then pay at the end.

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