23SU-B-Biophilia in Action

Tuesdays, 10   – Noon | July 11 – Aug 1 Instructor: Eric Simon | Facilitator: Amanda Marsh This course continues LINEC’s exploration of our love for the natural world. A detailed presentation on the February 2023 LINEC travel course to Tanzania...

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23SU-A-American Poems of Place: North of Boston

In-Person: NEC Lyons Building, 55 Depot Hill Rd, Henniker, NH 03242, Rm 103 Mondays, 10   – Noon | July 10 – 31 Instructor: Don Melander | Facilitator: Alice Nye When Don Melander was the Open Door Theatre dramaturge, he adapted a number of...

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23Sp I – *Film Seminar: Alfred Hitchcock, 3rd Series

When: Fridays, 10 AM – Noon | April 14 – May 26 Where: *In-Person Baker Free Library, Bow Instructors & Facilitators: Don Melander, Mary Lee Sargent In this third study of Hitchcock, we’re focusing on The Wrong Man (1956), Vertigo (1957), North by...

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23Sp H – The Supreme Court: “The Least Dangerous Branch”

When: Thursdays, 10 AM – Noon | April 13 – May 18 Where: Zoom Instructor & Facilitator: Dick Hesse Since the turn of the 20th century, the US Supreme Court has been a powerful force in modern society. How does it relate...

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23Sp G – Annals of the Former World

When: Wednesdays, 1:30 – 3 :30 PM | April 19, 26 and May 10, 17 Where: Zoom Instructor & Facilitator: Paul Hague Beginning in Spring 2023 and for as long as it takes, we will be reading and discussing John McPhee’s Annals...

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23Sp F – *American Novel Reading Group

Wednesdays, 1:30 – 3:30 PM | April 12 & May 3 In-Person at Tucker Free Library, Henniker Instructor and Facilitator: John McCausland New members are welcome to join this on-going group any time. The group meets throughout the year, on the first...

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23Sp E – Women Artists – Impressionism to Pluralism

When: Wednesdays, 10 AM – Noon | April 12 – May 3 Where: Zoom Instructor: Gail Smuda | Facilitator: Mindy Fitterman Beginning with the women artists in the era of Impressionism, we will cover some of the women who are just now...

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23Sp D – Shakespeare

When: Tuesdays, 1:30 – 3:30 PM | April 11 – May 16 Where: In-Person at Congregational Church of Henniker: Parish Hall Instructor: Glenn Stuart | Facilitator, Dick Hesse We will share and discuss three distinct experiences of Othello: a video of the...

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23Sp C – DNA

When: Tuesdays, 10 AM – Noon | April 11, 18, and May 2 Where: Zoom Instructor: Eric Simon | Facilitator: Amanda Marsh In this three-week course, we will learn about DNA, the molecule that provides instructions to all life on Earth. We...

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23Sp B – *Astronomy and Cosmology

When: Mondays, 1:30 PM – 3:30 pm | April 10 – May 15 Where: In-Person at NEC Carriage House, Room 16 Instructor: Curtiss Rude | Facilitator: Don Melander Much has been learned in the field of astronomy in the past six years. New...

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