C – Biology & Society . . . continued

      Tuesdays, 10 AM - Noon | April 5 - May 10         Instructor: Eric J. Simon, Ph.D. In this golden age of biology, the study of life affects all of us in countless ways. This course introduces biology as a scientific discipline...

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B – Introduction to Contemporary Poetry

       Mondays, 1 - 3 PM | April 4 - May 9 (NOTE CHANGE: No class on April 18 but will have a make up class on May 16 from 1-3 PM)        Instructor: Deborah Brown Contemporary poems share these traits: an absence...

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Film Seminar: Classic Noir Films from the 1940s

Leader:  Don Melander Fridays | October 8 – November 12 | 10 AM – Noon Some of these classic noir films of the 1940s were film adaptations of such great noir novelists as Dashiell Hammet, Raymond Chandler, and James M. Cain....

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The Beat Poets: Kerouac, Ginsberg, Corso and di Prima

Leader:  Don Melander Mondays |  October 4 – November 8 | 10 AM – Noon Those of us who were coming of age in the 1950s may remember reading Jack Kerouac’s novel On the Road, perhaps some of his other novels, and...

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