24Su – F – Supreme Court Review

Location: Lyons Center, NEC (Room 106) Thursday, 10 AM-Noon | July 11 Instructor: John Graebe | Facilitator: Dick Hesse The review of the Supreme Court’s 2023-24 term will include a discussion of the most significant cases. John Graebe teaches constitutional law at the...

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23Sp B – *Astronomy and Cosmology

When: Mondays, 1:30 PM – 3:30 pm | April 10 – May 15 Where: In-Person at NEC Carriage House, Room 16 Instructor: Curtiss Rude | Facilitator: Don Melander Much has been learned in the field of astronomy in the past six years. New...

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G – Film Seminar: Alfred Hitchcock, 2nd Series

Fridays, 10 AM - Noon | Oct 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov 4, & 11 Leaders: Don Melander, Mary Lee Sargent This seminar meets round the year every Friday morning from 10 to noon, but folks may join or leave at...

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B – Introduction to Contemporary Poetry

       Mondays, 1 - 3 PM | April 4 - May 9 (NOTE CHANGE: No class on April 18 but will have a make up class on May 16 from 1-3 PM)        Instructor: Deborah Brown Contemporary poems share these traits: an absence...

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