25SP | C – The Belles of Broadway

Date: Wednesdays, 10:15 am–12:15 pm | April 9–April 30 Location: Baker Free Library, Bow Instructor: Paul Brogan From the 1930s until the end of the 1990s, Carol Channing, Ethel Merman, and Mary Martin lit up the stage with thousands of performances. In...

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2024-2025 Membership Registration

LINEC Membership Registration for 2024-2025 Academic Year. New to LINEC this year? If you did NOT take a class in Fall 2024, you need to sign up for a LINEC Membership before registering for courses. To enroll in courses, you must have a LINEC membership....

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24Fa | A – Epic Poetry: Homer, The Odyssey

Mondays: 10:00 am—Noon | Oct. 7—Nov. 11 Location: Zoom Leader and Facilitator: Don Melander A - Epic Poetry: Homer, The Odyssey Where we begin: The decade-long war between the Achaeans (Greeks) and Trojans ended ten years ago, and now, finally, Odysseus starts to...

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24Fa | C- Artificial Intelligence

Tuesdays: 10:15 am – 12:15 pm | Oct. 8 to Nov. 12 Location: Baker Free Library, Bow, NH Instructor and Facilitator: Curtiss Rude C- Artificial Intelligence This course explores the development of artificial intelligence, both machine learning and neural networks, since the 1950’s....

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24Fa | D – Shakespeare, Macbeth

Tuesdays: 1:30 am – 3:30 pm | Oct. 8 to Nov. 12 Location: Baker Free Library, Bow, NH Leader and Facilitator: Glenn Stuart D - Shakespeare, Macbeth Macbeth, otherwise known as the “Scottish Play” or “Mackers” (by the superstitious), has long been considered...

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24Fa | E – Open Heart | Surgery: Walt Whitman and Civil War Medicine

Tuesdays: 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm| Oct. 22 and 29 Location: Zoom Leader: Sarah Traphagen | Facilitator: Don Melander E - Open Heart | Surgery: Walt Whitman and Civil War Medicine The Civil War was a medical disaster. Both the Union and Confederacy...

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24Fa | F – 19th Century American Landscape Painting

Wednesdays: 10:15 am – 12:15 pm | Oct. 9 – Nov. 13 Location: Baker Free Library, Bow, NH Instructor: Inez McDermott | Facilitator: Don Melander F - 19th Century American Landscape Painting The Contemplation of Eternal Things: Nineteenth-Century American Landscape Painting In this course,...

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24Fa | G – Philosophy 101

Wednesdays: 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm | Oct. 9 – 30 and Nov. 13 - 20 Location: Zoom Instructor: Lisa Melander | Facilitator: Don Melander G - Philosophy 101 In this iteration of Philosophy 101, we will further examine some of the more...

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24Fa | H – The Novel Reading Group

Wednesdays: 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm | Oct. 2 and Nov. 6 Location: Tucker Free Library, Henniker, NH Leader and Facilitator: John McCausland H - The Novel Reading Group LINEC’s popular novel group is currently reading books selected from Britain’s prestigious Booker Prize...

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24Fa | I – Food and Faith

Thursdays: 10:15 am – 12:15 pm | Oct. 10 to Nov. 14 Location: Baker Free Library, Bow Instructor and Facilitator: Suzanne Rude I - Food and Faith Faith traditions influence not only how food is prepared and eaten but also when to abstain...

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