23Sp G – Annals of the Former World

When: Wednesdays, 1:30 – 3 :30 PM | April 19, 26 and May 10, 17 Where: Zoom Instructor & Facilitator: Paul Hague Beginning in Spring 2023 and for as long as it takes, we will be reading and discussing John McPhee’s Annals...

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23Sp D – Shakespeare

When: Tuesdays, 1:30 – 3:30 PM | April 11 – May 16 Where: In-Person at Congregational Church of Henniker: Parish Hall Instructor: Glenn Stuart | Facilitator, Dick Hesse We will share and discuss three distinct experiences of Othello: a video of the...

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23Sp C – DNA

When: Tuesdays, 10 AM – Noon | April 11, 18, and May 2 Where: Zoom Instructor: Eric Simon | Facilitator: Amanda Marsh In this three-week course, we will learn about DNA, the molecule that provides instructions to all life on Earth. We...

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23Sp B – *Astronomy and Cosmology

When: Mondays, 1:30 PM – 3:30 pm | April 10 – May 15 Where: In-Person at NEC Carriage House, Room 16 Instructor: Curtiss Rude | Facilitator: Don Melander Much has been learned in the field of astronomy in the past six years. New...

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23Sp A – Contemporary African-American Poetry

When: Mondays, 10 AM – Noon | April 10 – May 15 Where: Zoom Instructor: Don Melander | Facilitator: Alice Nye In this continuing course on poets, we are using Kevin Young’s Library of America Anthology African American Poetry: 250 Years of...

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G – Film Seminar: Alfred Hitchcock, 2nd Series

Fridays, 10 AM - Noon | Oct 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov 4, & 11 Leaders: Don Melander, Mary Lee Sargent This seminar meets round the year every Friday morning from 10 to noon, but folks may join or leave at...

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E-*American Novel Reading Group

1st Wednesdays, 1 - 3 PM | Oct 5 & Nov 2 Leader: John McCausland *This is an in-person class, meeting at the Tucker Free Library in Henniker. New members are welcome to join this on-going group any time. The group meets...

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Film Seminar

Fridays, July 8, 15, 22, 29 | 10 AM - Noon Leader:  Don Melander This term we begin the first of four seminars on Alfred Hitchcock.  In this course, we discuss: The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934) Rebecca (1940) Saboteur (1942) Shadow of...

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Visit the Andres Institute of Art

Wednesday, July 20, rain date July 27 | 10 AM - ?? Guide:  Institute docent and Fran Philippe The Andres Institute of Art is located on the former Big Bear Mountain ski slope in Brookline, NH.  It was started in 1998 by owner/innovater, Paul...

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Composer Amy Beach

Wednesday, July 13 | 10 AM - Noon Instructor:  John Gfroerer Amy Beach was born September 5, 1867 in Henniker, New Hampshire.  At age 17 she had her debut with the Boston Symphony Orchestra.  In 1897 her Symphony was premiered by the BSO, the...

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